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  • 44% of construction workers have received a pay rise and 28% have been paid a bonus over the last 12 months, according to a YouGov poll of 1,600 construction workers. The survey also found that only 17% of workers had received any training during the last year, and that 14% intend to look for a new job over the next 12 months. 


  • The UK unemployment rate fell to 5.8% in the three months to November 2014, from 6.0% during the three months to August, according to ONS statistics. The unemployment rate for 18-24 year olds was almost three times as high, at 15.1%, which has fallen from 18% a year earlier. Average earnings over the same period were estimated to be 1.8% higher than a year earlier.
  • Retailers enjoyed a strong end to the year, with retail sales volumes in December rising by 0.4% compared to November, and by 4.3% compared to a year earlier according to the latest ONS data. 

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