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Glenigan's weekly roundup of keys statistics for the UK construction industry and the wider economy.


  • Figures from the latest GDP estimate show that construction output fell by 0.5% over the fourth quarter of 2011.

UK Economy

  • UK gross domestic product fell by 0.2% over the fourth quarter of 2011.
  • Output of the production industries fell by 1.4%, within which manufacturing fell by 0.8%.
  • Output in the service industries was unchanged.
  • Household consumption expenditure increased by 0.5% over the final three months of the year.
  • In current price terms, compensation of employees fell by 0.3%.
  • Business investment over the fourth quarter of 2011 fell by 5.6% on the previous quarter and by 2% on a year ago.
  • The seasonal adjusted index of services increased by 2.4% in December 2011 compared to the previous year.

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